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Plan a Visit

What to expect:

We gather together every Sunday at 10am. People often arrive about 10 minutes early and greet each other before sitting down in the sanctuary. 


The service starts with a short welcome and prayer to invite everyone into worship. Next we sing a couple songs, often hymns accompanied by piano and violin, and sometimes guitar. 


The center of the service is a sermon that lasts 20-30 minutes. The sermon often focuses on a specific section of the Bible and helps to connect the teaching or lesson from the Bible to the modern day. 


After the sermon we sing another song, followed by an opportunity for people to respond to the sermon, share a prayer request, or give an announcement about an upcoming event. This time of sharing is followed by prayer.


The service concludes with a final song or two and a Blessing or Sending. In total, the service lasts about an hour.  


After church, people often stick around for a while to talk with each other. During the school year, there's a time for further study and fellowship after the service.


On 5th Sundays, we have potluck meals. Everyone is welcome to stay, regardless of if they've brought a dish to share.. 


What to wear:

People dress in many ways at our church. Some wear jeans and t-shirts, others wear more formal attire. Some women wear pants, others wear skirts. Our church has no dress code; everyone is welcome to wear whatever they feel most comfortable in.



See our Facebook page for any recent updates or news.

Meet with the Pastor:

By appointment. 

Call or text: 815-590-0969



​1702 E. 37th Street,

Sterling, IL. 61081

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