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Questions for Personal Reflection Matthew 4:12-23

In this passage, Matthew summarizes Jesus' teaching (as he travels around the area) by saying that Jesus announces the Kingdom of God. Jesus also begins to gather a community around him to start to live it out. So how do we think about the Kingdom of God? One definition is that it is the place where God's authority is acknowledged and God's desires are lived out.

Where do you see authority in your life? What authority do societal influences, such as knowledge, money, or community, have in your life or your community? How does this compare to the authority of God in your life?

How would you define the "Kingdom of God?" How do you experience or recognize God’s Kingdom in your daily life?

How do you respond to the idea that God knows best and has ultimate authority over your life and the world?

Jesus begins his ministry with the call to "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven has come near." What areas of your life need transformation or a turning away from other allegiances to fully embrace God's Kingdom?

How has your life changed (or needs to change) since you began following Jesus?

What are the challenges you face in fully trusting and following God?

What actions, decisions, and motivations need to be re-aligned to be closer to the life and teachings of Jesus?

Pray and invite the Spirit of God to grow within you.

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