This week we look at the beginning of Matthew.
*This devotional can be used after listening to the sermon to gain deeper context.
The link for the sermon that goes with this text is here:
Questions for personal reflection.
How does your family's past shape who you are or how you see yourself?
How far back can you name your ancestors? Is it important to know your deep family history? Why or why not?
Are there any stories of God working in the life of your family that have been passed down? Are there any stories of God working in your life that you would like recorded and passed down?
If your family has some "questionable characters" in its past, how do you think of your relationship to them today and how God worked through them or in spite of them?
This family history from Matthew tells us about God's faithfulness and work over many generations, ultimately leading to Jesus being born at the right time. Have you ever considered that you might have been born at the "right" time?
*Spend some time in prayer considering how God has been present with you and how God might desire to use you right here and now in your life.